Jessica Woodhouse

Jessica Woodhouse

Senior Associate
BA LLB (Hons I)

Jessica has significant experience advising clients in relation to complex estate disputes and probate applications as well as challenging estate administration matters.

Jessica is valued by clients for her expert knowledge of all aspects of succession law and pragmatic approach to resolving legal disputes. Jessica is known for her tenacious representation of clients, skilful handling of complex disputes, and exceptional writing skills.

Jessica’s commitment to reading judicial decisions allows her to provide expert advice and creative solutions to our clients who are faced with difficult legal challenges.

  • Joined McIntyre Legal in 2018.
  • Admitted as a Solicitor in 2019.
  • Appointed as Senior Associate in 2024.


  • Probate:
    • Grants of probate
    • Letters of administration
    • Reseals of grants obtained outside NSW
  • Estate administration:
    • advising executors and administrators
    • advising beneficiaries
  • Estate litigation:
    • family provision claims
    • construction of Wills
    • informal Wills
    • challenges to the validity of Wills
    • disputes regarding beneficiaries’ entitlements on intestacy
    • removing executors and administrators
    • equitable claims
  • Other matters:
    • Advising attorneys and enduring guardians
    • Investigating the actions of attorneys and enduring guardians
    • Advising on concerns about elder abuse
    • Release of rights to bring family provision claims

Qualifications and Awards

  • Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours (UNSW)
  • Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Criminology (UNSW)
  • UNSW Law Dean’s List of Excellence in Academic Performance for achieving 1st place in Succession Law

Professional memberships

  • Member of The Law Society of New South Wales


  • In addition to being an exceptional solicitor, Jessica also enjoys reading, attending the theatre, playing softball, and eating chocolate biscuits.
1/744 Military Road, Mosman

02 8041 8903

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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